3 December 2023 漣漪行動 Ripples Action

Nov 10, 2023

漣漪行動 Ripples Action is an initiative founded by AWAHK and many caring professionals in 2008 to support underprivileged women and new arrivals in Hong Kong. As professional accountants, we have been working with doctors, lawyers, nurses and other caring parties to provide community services regularly; so as to show that we care for them.

It is really a great collaboration and successful joint event with women doctors, nurses and lawyers today.

9 AWAHK's volunteers and around 100 participants from the Philippines, Indonesia and minority groups joined today's Ripples Action event.

Big thanks to all volunteers in making this happened. Hope we can organize more community service activities in the forthcoming months.

Ripples Action is an initiative founded by AWAHK and many caring professionals in 2008 to support underprivileged women and new arrivals in Hong Kong. As professional accountants, we have been working with doctors, lawyers, nurses and other caring parties to provide community services regularly; so as to show that we care for them.

Our Volunteers shared their professional knowledge in managing our financial affairs through informal conversation and games with the recipients. At the same time, doctors, nurses and lawyers will provide free medical test and legal advices. We work together and hope to create a ripple's effect to encourage social participation and fostering of relationships through our love and actions.