Members' Benefits

Dear AWAHK Members / friends,

We are delighted to share with you AWAHK Special Membership Offers exclusively for AWAHK members from the following companies.

Disclaimer: AWAHK will from time to time inform its members and affiliates of special offers by selected merchants. The provision of such information does not represent an endorsement or recommendation of the products/merchants by the association. AWAHK does not carry out an independent professional evaluation on the products and/or services offered and all the information in the advertisement was supplied by the merchants. AWAHK is not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the products and / or services. AWAHK reserves the right to vary or terminate the offers at any time and to amend this "Disclaimer" from time to time.

Ancardi Jewellery

AWAHK members can enjoy 20% discount for any purchase of custom or finished jewelry.

Kindly please whatsapp 94951698 (Ms Tse) to make an appointment.

Showroom: 14/F, CMA Building, 64 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong.

AWAHK 會員購買任何定製或成品珠寶均可享受 20% 折扣。

請通過whatsapp 94951698( 謝小姐)預約。


Bank of China (中國銀行)



  • 中國銀行個人金融及財富管理部高級團隊主管王鎮銘(辦公室電話: +852 2160 6099, 手提電話: +852 9335 5555, 電郵: 查詢。
  • 詳情請參閱單章!

    Delicron (得利龍百貨有限公司 )

    10% discount for regular priced items

    Extra 5% discount for all items on sales.

    Visit website: or Facebook Delicron得利龍

    Discount will be honoured upon presentation of your AWAHK e-membership card.

    der formula

    AWAHK members can enjoy special discount of 20% for any purchase of der formula skincare products.

    If you wish to know more about skin anti-age or you are interested in der formula skincare products, please log-on to der formula Facebook page and leave a message.

    Remember to quote yourself AWAHK Member to enjoy this privilege.


    FemWell is the powerful combination of “Female” and “Wellness”. Chiron Medical Group has dedicated FemWell as the comprehensive health & wellness platform for women. Please take a look at their website

    They are offering special offers to AWAHK members for body check plans :

    a. 15% off for check-up plans, valid till 31/12/2025

    see leaflet

    b. 3D mammography Special offer $2,345 - which is 30% discount from original price, valid till 30/11/2024

    see leaflet

    Members and family can enjoy the above offers by showing your digital membership card.

    Foo Hang Jewellery (富衡珠寶)

    Further to the visit to our Mother's Day Celebration - Diamond Appreciation Event in 2019, we are delighted to present a special offer from Foo Hang Jewellery to our members.

    AWAHK members can enjoy year round discount of 20% on all finished jewellery. Please take a look at their website:


    Kindly note that this offer does not include bespoke items, loose stone purchase and repairs.

    If interested, kindly make an appointment via rsvp 2526-5011 (Ms. Snowie Yau) or email or

    7/F, No. 8 Russell Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

    Happy shopping!



    在預約時,請填上個人資料並留言註明優惠碼"AWAHK" ,稍後將有HaiRegen員工與你聯絡安排查詢服務。

    HaiRegen HK

    立即預訂諮詢 – HaiRegenHK

    Hang Seng Bank (恒生銀行)

    Hang Seng Bank provides a range of services designed to enhance your business with specialized expertise to power up your business!

    They are offering special offers to AWAHK members, including account opening and loan facilities.

    Please contact Ms. Severina Cheng, Business Banking Center (HK Main) Center Manager, at (852) 2198 3806 / 6013 6399 or email at

    Level Up Information

    Benefits to AWAHK Members on Corporate Account Opening

    Healthlink (健絡理療中醫服務)

    健絡理療(佐敦)是一間由香港職業發展服務處營辦的社會企業 - 中醫診所,提供中醫服務、內外全科、針灸、跌打及免煎中藥顆粒,亦為患者提供按摩手法治療。

    健絡理療同時是一間社會企業,並獲得「民政事務總署—夥伴倡自 强社區協作計劃」的資助。店舖位於油麻地茂林街,鄰近港鐵佐敦站。 現特函誠意邀請貴公會成爲本診所的指定合作機構,以優惠價格為 貴公會員和會員公司員工提供各項中醫服務。


    中醫治療 收費(HK$)

    診金 : $85/次

    中藥配方顆粒 : $85/次

    針炙(連診金) : $300/次

    跌打敷藥(按關節部位) : $340/次

    專業推拿治療 (推拿治療60分鐘起,其後以30分鐘計算)

    - 60分鐘 : $280/次

    - 30分鐘 : $150/次

    Flyer at Google Drive

    如有任何查詢,請致電2363-9211 或透過電郵 與馬啟程醫師聯絡。

    iPower Heaters (愛寶360°遠紅外線電暖爐)

    360° Electric Infrared Radiant Heaters for Indoor and Outdoor uses

    Can be used with windows and/doors opened
    Silent and no glaring lights, No draught & No gaseous emission or VOC discharge
    Durable metallic Incoloy heating elements
    Far Infrared rays enhance blood circulation
    Directional and Localized Heating

    Members of Association of Women Accountants (HK) Limited can now order IPower Heaters through AWAHK


    For further information, please contact 2530 0338 or email or

    Lee In Action – Business Automation Training

    Lee in Action專門提供數碼轉型,人工智能辦公室自動化工具的課程。由 20逾年經驗, 曾經負責為四間上市公司進行數碼轉型的顧問利國棟主理。

    現在提供以下三個課程,所有香港女會計師協會會員,在 憑優惠碼 AWAHK, 可以獲得七折報讀優惠。

    1. SLACK +CLICKUP教學 - 提升辦公室效率: 商業通訊 Slack 與項目管理工具 ClickUp 實踐應用
    2. Copilot 在 Excel 中的潛力 全面研究和實踐 課程
    3. 輕鬆自動化辦公室工作:Microsoft Power Automate 入門指南


    For enquiry, please contact: +852 9300 3588

    List Sotheby’s International Realty, Hong Kong (香港利斯蘇富比國際房地產)

    香港女會計師協會會員限定 - 尊享香港利斯蘇富比國際房地產佣金折扣及推薦朋友優惠






    中文Flyer at Google Drive

    英文Flyer at Google Drive

    MIRA DINING / Hong Kong Cusine Cusine 國金軒 & Tsui Hang Village 翠亨邨

    Seize the joy of savings now! Exclusive limited-time offers for exquisite Chinese New Year Puddings and Prosperity Premium Gift Boxes. .

    For further inquiries, feel free to contact Ms Apple Ching at tel no. 2315 5382 or 6388 5250.


    Yau Lin Marine Food (友聯海味)

    AWAHK 會員購買海味及各項產品, 均享有特別優惠。

    店鋪地址 : 上環德輔道西66號地下(西營盤A2出口)

    店鋪電話: 2546 9028

    Yue Hwa (裕華國貨)

    Members Benefits – VIP Card by Yue Hwa

    We are pleased to announce that AWAHK members can enjoy special VIP discounts offered by Yue Hwa (裕華) on both online and in-store shops. No minimum purchase is required for the discount.

    Interested members please register for their VIP Cards:


    Yuen Long Bistro (元朗冰室)


    出示AWAHK 會員證可享有九折優惠

    請到以下查看元朗冰室分店 (尖沙咀/太子/深水步/長沙灣/土瓜灣/將軍澳/觀塘):

    To Join AWAHK Membership :

    AWAHK will from time to time inform its members and affiliates of special offers by selected merchants. The provision of such information does not represent an endorsement or recommendation of the products/merchants by the association. AWAHK does not carry out an independent professional evaluation on the products and/or services offered and all the information in the advertisement was supplied by the merchants. AWAHK is not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the products and / or services. AWAHK reserves the right to vary or terminate the offers at any time and to amend this "Disclaimer" from time to time.