30 April 2024 China Tax Insight in the Greater Bay Area – Part 2 (Individual Income Tax)

Apr 11, 2024

The GBA has become an attractive area for high-value business and calibre talent. As a key city in the GBA, with its robust legal and financial systems, low and simple taxes and global connectivity, Hong Kong serves as a dynamic and secure platform to connect talent and enterprises to unlock the opportunities in the Mainland GBA cities and throughout the rest of Mainland China. It is important for companies and individuals who plan to do business in the GBA to understand the available China individual income tax incentives such that their business strategy can be planned appropriately. The speaker will share the information and her insights on the following:

  1. An overview of China individual income tax rule for non-China domiciled individuals working in China;

  2. China individual income tax incentives available to qualified individuals working in the GBA;

  3. Practical considerations and recommendations

Speaker : Ms. Ellen Tong, Partner, Private Clients and Family Office Tax Services, PwC Hong Kong

Ellen is leading the Workforce Tax practice at PwC Hong Kong. She is a specialist in China, Hong Kong and the U.S. individual income taxes as well as mobility management. She has extensive experience in providing personal tax advisory and compliance services, advising on remuneration structure, equity rewards, tax equalization/ employee’s tax assistance programs, retirement benefits planning, policy design, implementation, review, and mobility solutions to clients in different industries with a widespread and diversified workforce. Ellen is experienced in handling cross-border issues and providing practical solutions in the deployment of resources for risk and control management.