Press release: AFRC reminds PIE auditors to be prepared for undertaking PIE engagements

Jun 29, 2024

The AFRC today publishes an article titled Reminder to PIE auditors: be prepared for undertaking PIE engagements, targeted at registered public interest entity (PIE) auditors and practice units which are considering registration as PIE auditors with the AFRC. The reminder aims to communicate AFRC’s expectations regarding their readiness and intention to undertake PIE engagements.

Ms. Janey Lai, CEO of the AFRC, said, “The AFRC is dedicated to ensuring that PIE engagements are carried out by competent auditors through the AFRC registration and regulatory regime. This entails ensuring that auditors, with or without PIE engagements, are aware of their important role in safeguarding the public interest, dedicate sufficient resources, and make continuous investments to enhance their readiness for PIE audits. During these meetings with the PIE auditors, we noted good practices and room for improvement, and reminded the PIE auditors of our expectations. We summarized the discussions and our observations for the benefit of all PIE auditors and those aspiring to register with the AFRC.”

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