Board Talent Hub

Searching for Board Leaders 尋找董事?

Listed companies and NGOs that are in search of directors may find it daunting to access a pool of qualified candidates to fill in the strategic and leadership roles. Association of Women Accountants Hong Kong and Shenzhen Hong Kong Macau Women Directors Alliance are now helping the corporate and NGO communities to resolve this issue by providing an avenue for them to identify potential directors.

尋找合資格又有豐富領導經驗的候選人來填補上市公司或非牟利組織的董事職位空缺可能會是一件很不容易的事情。 香港女會計師協會和深港澳女董事聯盟現在正在幫助企業和非牟利組織解決這個問題,為他們提供尋找潛在董事的途徑。

Our members, both male and female, come from all walks of life with different breadth and depth of experiences. If you are interested in searching for professional candidates to enrich your board composition or if you need to fulfil the board gender diversity requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, our complimentary matching program could be one of your resources.

我們的會員,無論男女,來自各行各業,擁有不同廣度和深度的經驗。 如果你有興趣尋找專業候選人來豐富你的董事會架構,或者你需要滿足香港證券交易所的董事會性別多元化要求,我們的免費配對計畫可能是你的選擇之一。

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If you are interested to join or find out more about this matching program, please feel free to contact Lily Kwok, Chair of our Community Services Committee at

如果你有興趣加入或想了解此配對計劃的更多信息,請隨時聯絡本會社會服務委員會主席郭雪英女士 (